Continuous Labor Support; Clinically Recommended

Labor support is more than hype, it's clinically recommended.

It's no mistake that cultures all over the world have childbirth traditions strongly rooted in supporting women physically and emotionally during labor.

A strong support system is fundamental in successful and comfortable birth experiences. 

Even though it seems common knowledge that when it comes to birth, the more support the better, medical foundations and organizations are now recommending support services to their patients. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists now recommends continuous labor support to decrease the number of cesarean interventions during labor. 

ACOG also concludes that continuous support during childbirth improves the quality of the birth experience, creating a safer and more nurturing atmosphere for the mother in labor and the newborn. Labor doulas are one of the leading providers of such supplemental support during childbirth, creating safer and more nurturing environments for birth. 

This birth support can be both physical and emotional. 

Your labor doula is actively engaged in your physical well being during labor, providing comfort measures and natural pain relieving techniques. Regular massage and stretches encourage the mother's body to assume the correct form and position for labor, typically making the experience more comfortable and shorter in duration.

Emotionally, a labor doula provides continuous support with affirmations for the mother through phases of contractions and pushing. Mothers who utilize doula services are empowered to take charge of their birth experiences and make changes to their birth plans as they see fit. Doulas provide an experienced and encouraging presence to calm parents throughout every phase of labor. 

The birth experience is changing for the better. 

The role of support systems like labor doulas is being elevated and becoming an industry standard to have additional support for women in labor. The environment of hospitals and birthing centers are becoming more nurturing spaces that are effectively balancing safety with comfort. Having labor doula support is not only empowering, but incredible peace of mind for new and veteran parents alike. 

We support you.

We encourage all of our expectant parents from the very beginning. From crafting a birth plan that suits your needs to continuous support throughout your child's delivery, we are creating more comfortable birth spaces. 

With our labor support, we can decrease risks for medical interventions and reduce the chances of unplanned cesarean surgeries. 


The First 40 Days Postpartum Survival Guide

Extended maternity is an absolute luxury.

In some cultures, mothers traditionally stay close to home for an extended period after their baby's birth. In Sweden, new parents are eligible for 480 days of leave that includes 18 consecutive weeks of postpartum leave at 80 percent of their salary! The rest of their days are theirs to use as they see fit. 

The United States offers new mothers 12 weeks maternity leave and it is entirely unpaid. Only certain employers offer paid maternity leave and it usually comes with stipulations. 

Statistically, mothers that don't receive compensated maternity leave are more susceptible to postpartum depression and anxiety. Without the luxury of extended maternity leave, paid or unpaid, mothers definitely need an extra set of hands. 

This is where your postpartum doula saves the day. 

There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding the doula profession and many families don't even know what we can offer families that are expecting a new baby. 

Postpartum doulas are by your side to nurture you and your entire family as you make the transition home with your newborn and begin the healing process. Different from a midwife's role, we are in the home paying close attention to make sure the mother is right on track with her postpartum recovery and keep everything running smoothly around the house and with the rest of your family. 

The first six weeks are the most challenging and your doula team is there to cut back on the stress of acclimating to your new baby responsibilities. 

We're on your schedule and customize our care plans to suit your specific needs. We work with the way you parent to encourage parents to learn baby basics and gain confidence in those precious first weeks. Since we offer overnight care, sleepless nights for new moms are things of the past. Sleep is incredibly important for postpartum mothers as they regain their strength, begin a breastfeeding routine and heal from birth. We'll take over newborn care in the evening to encourage mothers to get a peaceful and restful night's sleep they can count on. 

Getting your little one on feeding and sleeping schedules can be difficult with the "back to work deadline" looming overhead. Your postpartum doula comes with a little extra peace of mind that you'll be on a healthy schedule for pumping, feedings and naptime no matter how soon you expect to return to work. 

Your maternity leave may be short but it doesn't have to be stressful. 

A good support system is crucial for any mother bringing home a new baby and your postpartum doula is there to give you the help you need every step of the way.

After all, teamwork makes the dream work. 


Nitrous Oxide for Labor Pain

When it comes to pain and discomfort during labor, each woman manages pain differently with a wide range of comfort measures and treatments.

One such treatment is the use of Nitrous Oxide to alleviate discomfort during labor. 

Nitrous Oxide use has gathered controversy as more women advocate for drug-free alternatives for comforting labor pains. 

As your due date approaches, our team encourages you and your partner to research different pain management techniques to find what is a right fit for you. 

Like any medical intervention for pain management, Nitrous Oxide has it's share of pros and cons. Nitrous is considered overall a safe way for mothers in labor to manage their discomfort. In high doses, Nitrous Oxide is a fairly weak anesthetic and it is more effective when administered in minimal amounts to the patient. 

Nitrous Oxide is a unique helping hand in the delivery room, offering both an analgesic (pain reliever) and an anxiolytic (anxiety relief). 

Benefits of Nitrous Oxide During Labor

Nitrous Oxide use does not physically injure the mother, fetus or neonate and does not pose harmful health hazards for care givers. This inhaled treatment does not affect the progression of labor and is safe and painless to administer.

Nitrous doesn't affect the levels of oxytocin, therefore does not affect infant alertness, mother and baby bonding or successful breastfeeding. This pain relief does not completely remove the mother from the awareness of labor pain and discomfort, however many women report an easier labor transition and managing their own discomfort. 

Nitrous Oxide is self administered, putting a mother in control of her pain management. It takes between five and ten minutes for the effects of the Nitrous Oxide to minimize, giving mom the opportunity to switch to a different pain relief if necessary.

Risks of Nitrous Oxide During Labor

While safety standards are in place to monitor the levels of Nitrous Oxide, excessive doses may cause symptoms like dizziness, vomiting, and nausea. Health care personnel working with Nitrous Oxide on a regular basis without proper handling procedures in place could begin to notice disruptions in their reproductive health. 

These risks however are in majority associated with recreational Nitrous users that abuse the substance. The percentage of Nitrous Oxide available as a labor pain treatment has too low of a percentage to notice any adverse effects, making this option safe and recommended by birth professionals. 

When it comes to pain management during labor, a mother should feel confident they are receiving the pain relief that they feel completely comfortable using. 

During your pregnancy, visit your hospital or birthing center and ask questions about your options for pain relief and educate yourself on side effects, benefits and risks associated with each. Making an educated decision for your birth will empower you to proceed to your due date confidently. 

Many hospitals in Maine, New Hampshire and MA are utilizing Nitrous Oxide including Maine General, Midcoast, Wentworth Douglas, York and now Maine Medical Center.

Your labor doula is there to ensure your birth plan is carried out according to your family's individual wishes and she is there to answer any questions you have along the way. 

Your birth. Your pain management. Unbiased support.